Avaada https://avaada.cannyworx.com Thu, 14 Mar 2024 06:35:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://avaada.cannyworx.com/wp-content/uploads/Favicon.png Avaada https://avaada.cannyworx.com 32 32 The Lifelines at Peril: Observing the International Day of Action for Rivers https://avaada.cannyworx.com/the-lifelines-at-peril-observing-the-international-day-of-action-for-rivers/ https://avaada.cannyworx.com/the-lifelines-at-peril-observing-the-international-day-of-action-for-rivers/#respond Thu, 14 Mar 2024 06:33:13 +0000 https://avaada.cannyworx.com/?p=27191 In the profound words of the ancient Vedas, rivers are not merely water bodies; they are the arteries of our Mother Earth, pulsating with life and sanctity. The Rigveda extolls, “सिन्धुना मातरा यातः” – “Sindhu in might surpasses all the streams that flow.” This reverence encapsulates the essence of Indian culture’s deep-seated bond with nature, viewing rivers as maternal figures nurturing civilization. Yet, as we mark the International Day of Action for Rivers, we stand at a pivotal juncture, witnessing the gradual demise of these revered entities, now posing a stark threat to humanity.

The Sanctity of Rivers in Indian Culture: Historically, Indian culture has celebrated the sanctity of rivers, embedding their significance in rituals, traditions, and daily life. The Ganges, Yamuna, Saraswati, and countless other rivers are not just water sources; they are regarded as divine, capable of purifying one’s soul and offering salvation. These beliefs are not just spiritual but have been the bedrock of sustainable living, encouraging the protection and reverence of natural resources.

The Looming Crisis: However, the contemporary narrative starkly contrasts with these age-old values. Our rivers, the cradles of civilization, now face existential threats from pollution, over-exploitation, and climate change. The alarming reduction in their flows, coupled with the degradation of water quality, stands as a testament to the environmental apathy that has crept into our societies. The scientific community echoes this concern, highlighting how unsustainable practices and industrialization have led to the eutrophication, contamination, and silting of these water bodies.

The Real Threat to Humanity: The decline of river health is not just an environmental issue; it’s a direct threat to our survival. Rivers are the lifelines of millions, providing water for drinking, agriculture, and industry. The dwindling flow and polluted waters threaten food security, livelihoods, and health, pushing us towards a water-scarce future. Studies predict severe water stress and a significant decrease in water availability if current trends persist, underscoring the urgency for action.

Bridging Spirituality and Science: On this International Day of Action for Rivers, it’s imperative to forge a synergy between our spiritual heritage and scientific understanding. Indian culture, with its holistic worldview, offers a unique perspective that can complement modern environmentalism. By rekindling the reverence for nature ingrained in our traditions, we can foster a culture of conservation and respect for the environment.

A Call to Action: This day calls for a collective awakening to the plight of our rivers. It’s a call to blend the ancient wisdom of our scriptures with the pragmatic solutions of science. Initiatives like afforestation along riverbanks, sustainable water management practices, and stringent pollution control measures need to be accelerated. Furthermore, public awareness campaigns, community engagement, and policy reforms must be prioritized to restore the health of our rivers.

As we observe the International Day of Action for Rivers, let us reflect on the profound words of our ancestors and the dire warnings of science. Our rivers, once the epitome of purity and life, now beseech us for salvation. It’s a clarion call for humanity to reforge its bond with nature, embracing the principles of conservation and sustainability enshrined in Indian culture. Only through a united effort can we avert the looming crisis and ensure that our rivers continue to nurture life for generations to come.

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Happy Maha Shivratri https://avaada.cannyworx.com/happy-maha-shivratri/ https://avaada.cannyworx.com/happy-maha-shivratri/#respond Wed, 13 Mar 2024 08:27:22 +0000 https://avaada.cannyworx.com/?p=27092 Maha Shivratri, celebrated with great reverence in the Indian spiritual tradition, holds profound significance both spiritually and scientifically, making it a unique intersection of faith and reason.

Spiritual Significance: Spiritually, Maha Shivratri is considered the most auspicious night dedicated to Lord Shiva, the aspect of the Divine that represents transformation and supreme consciousness. It symbolizes the night when Shiva performed the cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction. The festival is celebrated on the 14th night of the dark fortnight in the Hindu month of Phalguna, which usually falls in February or March.

This night is seen as an opportunity for spiritual renewal and purification. Devotees observe fasts, chant mantras, offer prayers, and meditate, believing that such practices awaken their inner consciousness and help them align with Shiva’s energy — the universal consciousness. The core spiritual message of Maha Shivratri is to realize the inner self, transcend the ego, and discover the oneness with the cosmos, encapsulated in the profound phrase “Shivoham” (I am Shiva).

Scientific Significance: From a scientific perspective, Maha Shivratri coincides with a time when the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth experiences late winter and the onset of spring, a period believed to have a natural influence on the human body. Ancient sages perceived this as a day when nature is pushing one towards one’s spiritual peak. It is a day when the planetary positions are such that there is a natural upsurge of energy in the human body, making it a propitious moment for meditation and spiritual practices.

The night of Shivratri is considered to be of great importance for those practicing yoga and meditation, as it is believed that spiritual energies are more accessible on this night, facilitating a deeper meditative experience. The natural alignment and the shift in the earth’s latitude during this period are thought to induce a beneficial impact on the human system, making it an ideal time for spiritual growth and material detachment.

As we delve into the serene and transformative night of Maha Shivratri, let us embrace the confluence of spiritual awakening and the natural upsurge of energies. May this auspicious occasion inspire us to transcend our limitations, discover the Shiva within, and align with the cosmic dance of creation and dissolution. Here’s wishing everyone a deeply meditative and spiritually enriching Maha Shivratri. May the divine energy of Lord Shiva guide you towards inner peace, strength, and enlightenment. ॐ नमः शिवाय|

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Green Hydrogen in Transportation: Fueling the Future of Clean Mobility https://avaada.cannyworx.com/green-hydrogen-in-transportation-fueling-the-future-of-clean-mobility/ https://avaada.cannyworx.com/green-hydrogen-in-transportation-fueling-the-future-of-clean-mobility/#respond Wed, 28 Feb 2024 14:10:14 +0000 https://avaada.cannyworx.com/?p=25547 India, a rapidly growing economy and soon-to-be the world’s most populous country, faces escalating environmental challenges amidst its road transport expansion. This growth has led to surging CO2 emissions, nitrogen oxides (NOX), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution. Road transport presently contributes to 12% of India’s energy-related CO2 emissions and exacerbates urban air pollution. Amidst these concerns, the quest for cleaner, sustainable mobility solutions has become imperative.

So, have you ever wondered what could power the vehicles of the future, providing clean and sustainable mobility while reducing our carbon footprint? In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of green hydrogen, exploring its significance in transportation and how it is poised to shape the future of clean mobility. By examining the latest data, reports, and technological developments, we’ll uncover the transformative potential of green hydrogen and its role in creating a more sustainable transportation ecosystem.

Understanding Green Hydrogen and Its Impact in the Transportation Sector

Green hydrogen has become a viable alternative in the search for sustainable energy sources, especially for transportation. The transportation industry is a notable source of greenhouse gas emissions as the globe struggles with climate change and attempts to cut carbon emissions. Green hydrogen uses renewable energy sources to power cars and lessen their environmental impact, providing a route towards cleaner mobility. Near-real-time data analysis revealed that emissions from domestic and international transport, including shipping and aircraft, have left a CO2 footprint of more than 37 million tons in 2023.

The Role of Green Hydrogen in Transportation

Transportation stands as a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, with conventional fossil fuel-powered vehicles amplifying air pollution and climate change impacts. However, amid this crisis, green hydrogen emerges as a beacon of hope, presenting a transformative avenue to decarbonize transportation and curb its environmental toll. Thus, India must shift to green hydrogen fuel to become greener. Green hydrogen can help India cut 3.6 gigatonnes of CO2 emissions by 2050, as per a NITI Aayog report. Since renewable energy is becoming cheaper, green hydrogen will be a cost-effective fuel for India in the future.

In alignment with India’s goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070, Avaada Group embarks on its journey into this sector. The commencement of our Green Hydrogen plant in Odisha marks a significant step towards this endeavor. While still in its early stages, green hydrogen is making waves in various transportation sectors:

  • Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCV): It is one of the most promising uses of green hydrogen in transportation. Fuel cell vehicles use hydrogen to create electricity, which powers the electric motor in the vehicle. In contrast to battery electric vehicles (BEVs), which depend on electricity that has been stored, it generates electricity internally by reacting hydrogen and oxygen, with the only byproduct being water vapor. Moreover, hydrogen fuel cell cars are less than 40% energy-efficient while most battery-powered electric cars boast around 80% efficiency.
  • Hydrogen-Powered Trucks and Buses: Green hydrogen has potential applications not only for passenger cars but also for larger vehicles like trucks and buses, which are important parts of public transportation and freight transportation. Heavy-duty vehicles using hydrogen fuel cell technology can travel long distances and can be refueled quickly.
  • Applications in Aviation and Maritime Shipping: As per a report by the IEA, the aviation industry contributes to a minimum of 3.5% of global warming, while international shipping is responsible for approximately 2% of global CO2 emissions. Hence, green hydrogen has the potential to completely transform these two sectors of the transportation industry in addition to driving. Long-distance travel-related emissions could be greatly reduced by hydrogen fuel cell-powered ships and aircraft, providing a sustainable alternative for sectors of the economy that primarily depend on fossil fuels.

The End Goal: A Greener and Cleaner Future

There are many obstacles in the way of a clean transportation future driven by green hydrogen, but the potential benefits are enormous. We can realize the full capacity of this clean fuel by resolving the slashing the production cost, constructing infrastructure, and encouraging cooperation. Though it won’t happen overnight, we can make sure that green hydrogen genuinely powers the future of clean mobility and leaves a cleaner, greener, and healthier planet for era to come.

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Climate change: Sustainable living at the core to address the problem https://avaada.cannyworx.com/climate-change-sustainable-living-at-the-core-to-address-the-problem/ https://avaada.cannyworx.com/climate-change-sustainable-living-at-the-core-to-address-the-problem/#respond Fri, 09 Feb 2024 05:56:16 +0000 https://avaada.com/?p=21897 The environment around us is deteriorating. As per a recent report by the United Nations, most days in 2023 had an average temperature above 1.5 degrees Celsius. With the rate at which the emissions are increasing, the world must gear up to brace for a 3-degree rise in temperature by 2030. While there are concerted efforts to reverse the damage, people need to do more than ever if we must avoid catastrophes that threaten humanity’s existence on the planet.

The Role of Individuals

The question is, can we make a change as an individual? Do we have the resources to do so? The resounding answer is a ‘Yes’. In our journey towards a more sustainable future, every step counts, and every decision matters. As the founder of a sustainable energy company, I have witnessed first-hand the transformative power of individual actions by many transforming into collective action, which can compel mightiest to bend.

As individuals, we wield immense power through our choices. By opting for products from brands committed to renewable energy and sustainable practices, we send a clear message about the values we want to see globally. Reducing our consumption, reusing what we have, and recycling whenever possible are simple yet effective steps each of us can take to contribute to a larger cultural shift towards sustainability.

Let me also share a recent example of reflection on my habits. Recently, I learned of a startling fact: producing a single T-shirt requires 2,700 litres of water—enough to sustain one person for 900 days. This revelation was a wake-up call, prompting me to reassess my consumption habits and the broader implications of our everyday choices. It vividly illustrates the hidden costs of consumption, underscoring the critical need for us to shift towards more sustainable practices in every facet of our lives.

This awakening aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of ‘Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE),’ advocating for a harmonious coexistence with nature through mindful and deliberate choices. It is a vision that transcends borders, urging us all to adopt a lifestyle that prioritizes the well-being of our planet.

The Power of Collective Action

The journey towards sustainability is a collective one that starts from individuals and transforms into adoption by communities and corporations. It is about creating a new normal where environmental consciousness is woven into the fabric of our society.

A recent movement within the yoga community offers a compelling case study of the power of collective action, which an awakened individual interestingly started. Thousands of yoga instructors and students have rallied to urge a renowned apparel brand to align its operations with its environmental rhetoric, demanding a transition to 100% renewable energy in its supply chain. This initiative reflects a growing consciousness among consumers and communities, driving brands to adopt practices that respect and nurture our environment.

Bridging the Gap

Despite the promising strides made by some, the gap between sustainability rhetoric and real-world practices remains a significant challenge. The apparel industry, for example, is not doing enough for its environmental impact, with many brands struggling to reconcile rapid growth with sustainable practices. The case of the aforementioned apparel brand, which saw its emissions rise alongside its sales, underscores the complexities of achieving genuine sustainability in a globalized supply chain.

As we continue to navigate this path, let us remember the power of our collective action and the impact of our individual choices. Together, we can drive the change we wish to see in the world, fostering a culture of sustainability that honors and protects our planet for generations. Let this be our call to action: to live consciously, choose wisely, and advocate passionately for a sustainable future. The time for change is now and starts with each of us.

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Elevating Talent in the Renewable Energy Revolution: Avaada’s Recruiter’s Guide to Industry Trends and Forecasts https://avaada.cannyworx.com/elevating-talent-in-the-renewable-energy-revolution-avaadas-recruiters-guide-to-industry-trends-and-forecasts/ https://avaada.cannyworx.com/elevating-talent-in-the-renewable-energy-revolution-avaadas-recruiters-guide-to-industry-trends-and-forecasts/#respond Fri, 09 Feb 2024 05:50:49 +0000 https://avaada.com/?p=21900 Introduction:

As the renewable energy sector undergoes a transformative revolution, Avaada leads the way by taking a sustainable path forward. In this blog, we will delve deeper into the evolving talent landscape in renewable energy, offering a thorough primer for recruiters who look beyond basic resumes to discern the pivotal patterns and predictions that will mould the field’s trajectory. The dynamic domain experiences rapid change as new technologies emerge, requiring innovative problem solvers ready to tackle pressing challenges.

Recruitment demands re-imagining pinpointing applicants equipped to accelerate this energy transitions. This guide illuminates the defining developments and disruptions recruiters must track to secure top talent primed to propel the industry during its watershed moment.

Digital Fluency: In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, the skills required to succeed are undergoing a transformation. Avaada’s recruitment team understands this evolution, we are searching for individuals who should be well versed in data analytics, artificial intelligence, and pioneering digital technologies. The company seeks candidates who should be capable of driving further innovation within renewable energy solutions through proficiency in these high-demand fields. As the environment shifts, a new set of abilities has become crucial skills relating to the collection and analysis of vast amounts of information, as well as expertise applying advanced AI and computing. Our recruiters are searching for professionals who can adept and leverage these rapidly developing tools to push the boundaries of possiblities within clean energy, and take solutions to the next level.

Championing Diversity for Innovation: We are at the forefront when it comes to promoting diversity and inclusions. This blog post underscores how varied viewpoints drive innovation, and our dedication to inclusive recruitment procedures aids in cultivating an environment where creativity flourishes. By bringing together individuals from different backgrounds, experiences, and walks of life, Avaada harnesses a wider range of problem solving approaches and thought processes. This commitment to assembling a diverse workforce highlights our understanding about innovation that is spurred by fresh perspectives and approaches to tackling issues.

Adaptability in a Rapidly Changing Environment: The renewable energy industry has become nearly interchangeable with quick improvements. Avaada’s hiring managers always emphasizes the importance of flexibility, they look for applicants who can easily flourish in a dynamic setting where transformation is perpetual. The recruiters want candidates that can adapt to constant changes in technologies and strategies within the renewable’s domains. Their goal is to find individuals that will be comfortable in embracing new methods and ideas, as this sector continuously progresses towards creating affordable clean energy solutions. 

Collaborative Success: We recognizes that facilitating teamwork are equally as important as technical proficiency. This blog delves into how constructive interaction, flexibility, and unity are fundamental in cultivating a labour force that propels the renewable energy industry in a progressive direction. Effective correspondence, the capability to modify approaches, and collaborative spirit are interwoven into the fabric of daily operations. Without collaborative abilities assisting joint effort, even the most qualified experts would struggle to combine skills and achieve shared objectives.

Global Talent Acquisition Strategies: Avaada strives to attain its worldwide­ vision through a comprehensive talent procurement approach. In This blog you will explore how we taps into varied talent reservoirs globally, confronting regional difficulties and guaranteeing a complete strategy to maintainable energy remedies. The company seeks out qualified individuals from different parts of the planet to join its mission of delivering clean and affordable energy access. It considers local needs and cultural contexts to establish diverse and inclusive workplaces. By bringing together expertise from multiple locations, we always aim to craft versatile solutions that is suitable for diverse conditions worldwide. However, attracting and retaining international talent requires navigating different regulations and societal norms respectfully. 

Continuous Learning Culture and Upskilling Initiatives: We strongly emphasizes perpetual self-improvements. This blog highlights Avaada’s efforts to assist workers in expanding their skillsets, cultivating an environment where studying is encouraged. This culture guarantees the team keeps up to date. 


Avaada’s dedication to pioneering advancements, environmental protection, and cultivating top tier skillsets is evident throughout this detailed manual for recruiters exploring the renewable resources industry. Beyond traditional applications, Avaada’s strategy involves virtual competency.

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Decoding the Impact: Why Green Hydrogen is Essential for a Cleaner Future https://avaada.cannyworx.com/decoding-the-impact-why-green-hydrogen-is-essential-for-a-cleaner-future/ https://avaada.cannyworx.com/decoding-the-impact-why-green-hydrogen-is-essential-for-a-cleaner-future/#respond Mon, 05 Feb 2024 10:48:04 +0000 https://avaada.com/?p=20130 The energy landscape is undergoing a profound transformation in the pursuit of a cleaner and sustainable future, with green hydrogen emerging as a key player in this paradigm shift. As all the nations around the world intensifies their efforts to mitigate climate change, the importance of green hydrogen in transforming Mother Earth cannot be neglected. In this blog, let’s explores the technical particulars and advanced aspects of the magic fuel- green hydrogen which is shedding light on its potential to revolutionize the energy sector and significantly reduce carbon emissions.

What is Green Hydrogen?

Hydrogen, as an element, is abundant, but its widespread industrial production has traditionally relied on fossil fuels, resulting in carbon emissions. Green hydrogen, on the other hand, is produced through a process called electrolysis, which involves splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity. The crucial aspect that differentiates green hydrogen from other forms is the source of this electricity- it is generated from renewable sources such as wind, solar, or hydropower.

Although hydrogen is a plentiful element and it has historically been produced widely in industry using fossil fuels, which has led to carbon emissions. On the other hand, GH2 is created by an electrical process known as electrolysis, which divides water into hydrogen and oxygen. The source of this renewable electricity sources like solar, wind, or hydropower—is what sets it apart from other forms of hydrogen.

Currently, less than 1% of the yearly total produced hydrogen is “green,” but as the infrastructure required to produce it is expanded and production costs continue to decline, this percentage is expected to rise.

Why is Green Hydrogen Important?

Since it is challenging to eliminate emissions from some hard-to-abate sectors of the economy, experts believe that it will be crucial to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The top three industries, transportation, and electricity production are the primary culprits that cause global warming. The production of emission caused by electricity and transportation can be reduced by green hydrogen, however, the remaining 15% of the economy, which includes shipping, aviation, steel etc., it is hard to decarbonise because these industries need high energy density fuel or intense heat. Thus, here the role of green hydrogen comes into the surface as a boon.

Charting a Greener Course: Green Hydrogen’s Potential for a Clean Future

  • Zero Emissions Fuel: Green hydrogen production is an essential weapon in the fight against climate change because it produces no greenhouse gases or other pollutants. It provides a truly clean alternative to conventional hydrogen fuel, which frequently use fossil fuels and release harmful carbon dioxide.
  • Target Hard-To-Abate Industries: Green hydrogen can be used as a clean energy source in sectors that primarily rely on fossil fuels, such as chemicals, steel, aviation, and shipping. Carbon emissions in these sectors can be greatly decreased by switching to green hydrogen-based fuel.
  • Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU): The Green hydrogen production can have even greater environmental benefits when combined with CCU technologies. Carbon dioxide (CO2) that is released during the production of hydrogen can be captured and stored using CCU, keeping it out of the atmosphere, thus, saving the environment.
  • Enhancing Energy Security: By offering a means of energy storage and transportation as well as a means of diversifying energy sources, green hydrogen can enhance energy security. This is especially crucial as the world is trying to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.
  • Transition of the Global Energy System: Green hydrogen has the potential to play a major role in moving the world’s energy system in the direction of a more renewable and sustainable future. For nations looking to lessen their dependency on fossil fuels and reach the aggressive climate targets set forth in the Paris Agreement, the fuel’s scalability and versatility make it a desirable choice.
  • International Partnerships and Collaboration: Globally, all the countries want to pool resources, knowledge, and experience to create infrastructure and production techniques that are more affordable, green hydrogen offers chances for international partnerships and collaboration. By collaborating, green hydrogen technology may be implemented more swiftly and affordably, making it more widely available.



To sum up, it is a lighthouse which is pointing the way toward a more environmentally friendly future and has enormous promise as a sustainable energy source. The advantages in terms of sustainability and adaptability are indisputable, shining a bright light on our future even as obstacles like cost and infrastructure loom large. Instead, let us march forward, fuelled by the promise of a green and sustainable future, where we leave behind a legacy for the coming generations. Together, let us embrace the transformative power of the most powerful fuel- green hydrogen and write a new chapter in the story of shifting to a sustainable world where climate change issue is a far-off dream.

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Green Hydrogen 101: Exploring the Fundamentals and Essentials https://avaada.cannyworx.com/green-hydrogen-101-exploring-the-fundamentals-and-essentials/ https://avaada.cannyworx.com/green-hydrogen-101-exploring-the-fundamentals-and-essentials/#respond Wed, 31 Jan 2024 08:37:13 +0000 https://avaada.com/?p=19335 Global climate change is escalating, with the year 2023 witnessing record-breaking global temperatures and devastating floods, the need for clean energy solutions has never been more intense. In simple terms, climate change has already cast a long shadow, pleading us to rethink our energy sources and probably shift to an alternative renewable energy. Hence, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of green hydrogen. Produced with renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, this clean-burning fuel has the potential to decarbonize several hard-to-abate industries and move us closer to a sustainable future.

In this blog, we delve deep into the fundamentals and essentials of green hydrogen, exploring its production process, applications, benefits, and the challenges it faces on the path to widespread adoption aka., the A-Z of green hydrogen.

The Significance of Green Hydrogen in the Battle Against Climate Change

There is a clear need for a clean energy revolution. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a dire report that highlights the need to keep global warming to 1.5°C over pre-industrial levels to prevent disastrous consequences. Fossil fuels need to be phased out as soon as possible as it is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions and that is why green hydrogen is the correct option.

1) Storage of Renewable Energy: Green Hydrogen acts as a great option as renewable energy storage battery, allowing excess solar, wind or hydro power to be stored for later use. To ensure a harmonious supply of energy and integrate renewable energy (RE) sources into the grid, this flexibility is extremely essential.

2) Versatile Applications: The potential of GH2 goes well beyond the generation of electricity. It can power fuel cell cars, transform the steel industry and other industrial processes, and even offer environmentally friendly building heating options. Because of its adaptability, it becomes an essential tool for addressing emissions in a several tough-to-abate sectors.

3) No Emissions: When burned, green hydrogen produced with renewable energy sources like solar power, wind power etc., it produces no greenhouse gases or air pollutants, in contrast to its fossil fuel counterparts, making it the most suitable fuel.

Fundamentals of Green Hydrogen Production

The production of green hydrogen involves a simple process called electrolysis. During electrolysis, an electric current is passed through water, splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen. The electrolysis equation is represented as follows:

2 H2O – O2 + 2 H2

An electrolyte membrane separates the anode and cathode in an electrolyzer, where this reaction takes place. Here, the electrolyzer is powered by renewable energy (RE), which speeds up the breakdown of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

The Worldwide Surge in Green Hydrogen:

Governments and companies, globally, are increasing their investments in the green hydrogen sector as they realize its enormous potential. Here are a few noteworthy developments:

1) Europe: In order to help decarbonize the EU in an economical manner and lessen its reliance on imported fossil fuels, the country has proposed a comprehensive framework to support the uptake of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen through its hydrogen strategy and REPowerEU plan. So, the development of green hydrogen is the EU’s top priority, with a target of 10 million tonnes production and 10 million tonnes import by 2030.

2) Japan: This island nation, which depends largely on imported fossil fuels, is actively exploring green hydrogen solutions and its derivatives with the goal of using it to power 30% of its homes by the year 2050.

3) India: The Indian government has embarked on a transformative initiative known as the National Hydrogen Mission, designed to propel India to the forefront of green hydrogen production and utilization worldwide. This ambitious target underscores the country’s commitment to combating climate change, fostering energy independence, and driving sustainable economic growth.

4) Australia: The country has the world’s largest pipeline and is reviewing its National Hydrogen Strategy, with the goal of becoming a global green hydrogen leader by Since the release of Australia National Hydrogen Strategy in 2019, there has been $127 billion in announced green hydrogen investment in Australia. This includes over 15 projects that have received final investment decisions (FIDs) and more than 80 announced renewable hydrogen projects.

Opportunities and Challenges: Defining the Future of Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen has a lot of potential, but in order to utilize it to its full potential, we need to overcome a few hiccups such as:

1) Expensive Production: At the present moment, green hydrogen is more costly to produce than its counterparts that traditionally use fossil fuels. However, it is projected that in the upcoming years, the cost will drop up to a certain percentage due to economies of scale and the quick technological development.

2) Public Awareness and Policy Support: Raising public awareness and implementing supportive policies are critical for increasing the overall demand and increase the quick adoption of green hydrogen.

3) Infrastructure Development: By developing the correct infrastructure required for large-scale green hydrogen production, storage, and transportation will be a boon as it will increase the adoption and further help a country export the excess production to other countries.

4) Safety Concern: It is a highly volatile and flammable element, necessitating extensive safety precautions to avoid leakage and explosions.


In conclusion, the magical fuel – green hydrogen, has a huge potential as a clean, versatile, and sustainable energy source. By addressing technical, economic, and regulatory challenges, stakeholders can unleash its transformative power and speed up the transition to a greener, more sustainable energy landscape. As global efforts to combat climate change intensify, green hydrogen is poised to play a critical role in shaping a cleaner and a brighter future for all.

To know more about us get in touch with us: avaada@avaada.com

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India’s 75th Republic Day: A Route Towards a ‘Viksit Bharat’ fueled by Green Energy https://avaada.cannyworx.com/indias-75th-republic-day-a-route-towards-a-viksit-bharat-fueled-by-green-energy/ https://avaada.cannyworx.com/indias-75th-republic-day-a-route-towards-a-viksit-bharat-fueled-by-green-energy/#respond Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:33:06 +0000 https://avaada.com/?p=18929 Happy Republic Day to all my fellow Bharatiyas! Today, on this 75th Republic Day of Bharat, as the tricolor flutters against the blue sky, the country is on the verge of ushering in a new era marked by ‘Viksit Bharat’, a call to action for an empowered and developed Bharat. ‘Viksit’ literally translated to development and India is in the race to be a developed country by the year 2047- a timeline which is considered Amrit Kaal by our honorable PM Shri Narendra Modi.

This day is not just about remembering the past; it’s a celebration of our unity, the sacrifices of our valiant freedom fighters, and our journey towards becoming the world’s fourth-largest economy. Bharat’s journey since independence has been marked by remarkable dynamism such as:

  • Honoring Our Heroes: Today, we bow in gratitude to those who fought for our independence. Their bravery and sacrifices have shaped a democratic Bharat, where every citizen’s voice is heard, and every dream has the potential to soar. Their enduring spirit and vision for a free Bharat keep inspiring us as we step into an era of growth and prosperity.
  • A Mosaic of Cultures: Bharat stands as a unique blend of diverse cultures, languages, and beliefs. This Republic Day, we celebrate this diversity, which is the core of our strength and identity. It is this rich cultural fabric that makes Bharat exceptional. As Bharat marches forward on the path of development, we continue to uphold and celebrate this diversity that binds us.
  • Economic Leap: From a shaky economy, Bharat has soared to become the world’s 5th largest, with a GDP projected to touch $5 trillion by 2025. This rapid growth translates to rising living standards, with per capita income expected to double by 2030.
  • Digital Transformation: Bharat’s digital transformation is booming. With more than 50% of the population already connected to the internet, helping everyone, especially the youth, get involved in the digital world. This “Digital India” push is making life easier for people and sparking new entrepreneurship ideas.
  • Infrastructure Triumph: The country’s landscape is being traversed by a network of national roadways, airports, and ports. The ambitious Sagarmala and Bharatmala Pariyojana projects aim to open new economic corridors and transform connectivity.
  • Educational Upsurge: A strong education system has contributed to the rise in literacy rates to over 78%. Prominent Indian universities, such as IITs and IISc, produce highly qualified workers who drive scientific progress.
  • Commitment to a Sustainable Future: In homage to our freedom fighters, we pledge to pursue energy independence. Embracing renewable energy, like solar and wind power, is not just a strategic choice but a moral obligation. As Bharat grows, we aim to be pioneers in green technology, proving that economic development and environmental responsibility can coexist harmoniously.

Viksit Bharat – A Vision for Sustainable Development

But the real development of India also depends on energy availability, and it will definitely bridge the gap from “developing” to “developed” as the country’s economic leap is intertwined with its green ambition. Already the world’s fourth largest producer of renewable energy, India has set ambitious targets for the future. By 2030, the nation aims for 50% of its electricity to come from non-fossil fuels, a five-fold increase from its current share. This shift is reflected in the staggering growth of solar and wind power. Solar capacity has exploded from a humble 2.6 GW in 2014 to a colossal 72.3 GW in 2023, making India a global leader in the sector. Wind power, too, has witnessed a remarkable rise, boasting a current capacity of 44.5 GW.

But India’s renewable energy story goes beyond mere GWs. The government is actively spearheading innovative initiatives like the National Hydrogen Mission, aiming to make India a global hub for green hydrogen production. Renewables are attracting billions in investments, creating new jobs, and fostering a thriving ecosystem of entrepreneurs and innovators.

Today, let’s parade together towards a “Viksit Bharat” built on clean energy, where development and sustainability go hand in hand. Let the 75th Republic Day be the dawn of a new era, where every citizen aims towards “Viksit Bharat” – a developed, inclusive, and thriving India, marching toward a sustainable future

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The power of Indian Youth in Transforming the World’s Future https://avaada.cannyworx.com/the-power-of-indian-youth-in-transforming-the-worlds-future/ https://avaada.cannyworx.com/the-power-of-indian-youth-in-transforming-the-worlds-future/#respond Fri, 12 Jan 2024 11:23:30 +0000 https://avaada.com/?p=19393 Across the world, a generation is multiplying rapidly which is passionate, informed, and brimming with potential. This is the generation of young people a.k.a., the youth of India, and their power to transform India and the world’s future is undeniable.

The youth of today’s era is equipped with a potent blend of dedication, energy, and young perspectives. Their fearless ability to question conventional thinking, challenge traditional norms, and think creatively is an asset that can revolutionize the way we address social, economic, and environmental issues.

Demographic Advantage:

With 66% of its population below the age of 35, India has the world’s largest youth population which is extremely crucial for progress and success of a nation. This demography isn’t just a number; it’s a vibrant tapestry of aspirations, dreams, and transformative potential. This demographic dividend, if harnessed effectively, can propel the nation towards extraordinary growth and expansion. To harness this immense potential, it is extremely crucial to channelize their energy towards constructive avenues and provide them with the necessary aid and platforms for self-expression.

Education and Skill Development:

As Nelson Mandela quoted “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” The foundation of India’s future will be having access to high-quality education that is adapted to the changing demands of the 21st century. With advancements in technologies, the youth of India have relevant access to immediate information, and by equipping them with relevant skills, they can contribute significantly to sectors like sustainable development, AI, and data science.

Global Association:

The world is a global village and the well interconnected world of today provides young people of India with abundant global opportunities to connect, collaborate, and learn from global experiences. By fostering international collaborations, the youth can gain exposure to diverse perspectives and best practices, contributing to a more holistic and across-the-border approach towards problem-solving.

Youth Are the Catalysts for Change

The younger generation in India is growing more and more influential in promoting social justice and driving global association. They are strongly impacted by issues such as social justice, gender equality, and climate change. They are using social media and grassroots movements to amp up their collective voice. Their ardor for social causes has the power to promote inclusivity and change cultural norms.

To conclude, Indian youth’s power to transform the country and the world’s future is undeniably immense. By harnessing their energy, creativity, and passion, the country can combat challenges and come to the fore as a global leader in various fields. It is imperative for society, government, and educational institutions to provide the necessary support and platforms for the youth to thrive, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come. The time is now for India to unleash the full potential of its young population and chart a path towards being a global leader.

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Kyoto Protocol: A Cornerstone of Climate Action and Its Role in COP28 https://avaada.cannyworx.com/kyoto-protocol-a-cornerstone-of-climate-action-and-its-role-in-cop28/ https://avaada.cannyworx.com/kyoto-protocol-a-cornerstone-of-climate-action-and-its-role-in-cop28/#respond Fri, 15 Dec 2023 14:44:08 +0000 https://avaada.com/?p=11285 The global climate event- COP28 has come to an end and it’s imperative for us to revisit one of the cornerstones of international efforts to combat climate change — the Kyoto Protocol. Established in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol marked a significant milestone in global cooperation to address the challenges posed by greenhouse gas emissions. In this blog post, we will delve into the key components of the Kyoto Protocol, examining its current relevance with the latest data available. Additionally, we’ll explore its pivotal role in guiding the discussions at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28).

The Kyoto Protocol: A Brief Overview

The Kyoto Protocol, officially adopted on December 11, 1997, an international treaty under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally, went into force on February 16, 2005, following an intricate ratification process. Presently, there are 192 Parties actively involved in the Kyoto Protocol.

In essence, the protocol serves as the practical implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It binds industrialized nations and transitioning economies to curtail and decrease their GHG emissions based on individually agreed-upon targets. The convention merely urges these countries to adopt mitigation policies and measures while periodically reporting their progress.

Relevance in the Current Context

In the current context, the relevance of the Kyoto Protocol in COP28 is paramount, as it continues to exert a substantial influence on international climate negotiations and actions. Although the initial commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol has concluded, its enduring principles play a crucial role in shaping the discourse surrounding climate change on the global stage.

One of the fundamental principles of the Kyoto Protocol that remains central to ongoing climate discussions is that it is based on the principles and provisions of the convention and follows its annex-based structure. It only binds developed countries and places a heavier burden on them under the principle of “common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities”, because it recognizes that they are largely responsible for the current high levels of GHG emissions in the atmosphere. In accordance with the latest available data, which underscores the urgency of addressing climate change, the principles embedded in the Kyoto Protocol gain renewed importance. The evidence of rising global temperatures, increasing frequency of extreme weather events, and the pervasive impact on ecosystems and communities necessitates a collective and differentiated response.

COP28 and Kyoto Protocol

In the face of COP28, the Kyoto Protocol will be a focal point of discussions. The conference provides an opportunity for nations to reassess their commitments, set new targets, and align their efforts with the latest scientific findings. The lessons learned from the Kyoto Protocol will guide negotiations on more ambitious emission reduction goals and strategies for adaptation and resilience.

COP28 provides a crucial platform for nations to revisit and reinforce their commitments to mitigating climate change. The lessons learned from the Kyoto Protocol guide these discussions, emphasizing the importance of equitable burden-sharing and encouraging developed nations to take the lead in reducing emissions. The differentiated approach ensures that developing nations receive the necessary support and assistance to transition to sustainable practices without compromising their developmental goals. Furthermore, the Kyoto Protocol’s emphasis on both adaptation and mitigation aligns with the contemporary understanding of climate change challenges.

Addressing the Challenges

Reflecting on the Kyoto Protocol’s achievements, notable progress has been made in raising awareness, establishing a framework for emission reduction, and fostering international collaboration. However, challenges persist, such as:

  • Limited Global Participation: While 192 Parties are currently involved, some major economies- China and the United States, the top two greenhouse gas emitters, weren’t part of the agreement. China, as a developing country, wasn’t obligated to join, and the U.S. hadn’t approved the protocol.
  • Evolving Emission Landscapes: The dynamic nature of emissions and the emergence of new economies pose challenges in adapting the protocol to address evolving environmental landscapes adequately.
  • Adaptation and Financial Gaps: The protocol faced criticism for its limited focus on adaptation measures, and the financial resources allocated often fell short of addressing the needs of developing nations facing climate impacts.

I would like to conclude by saying that the Kyoto Protocol’s enduring influence in COP28 lies in its foundational principles, which address the historical responsibility of developed nations and emphasize the need for a collective yet differentiated approach to combat climate change. As nations convene to tackle the urgent climate crisis, I hope the protocol provides a valuable framework for shaping equitable and effective strategies in the pursuit of a sustainable and resilient future.

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